
Working Remotely. Same Standards, Better Conditions.

Veröffentlicht von InterVenture am Dezember 8, 2016

Outsourcing is becoming an increasingly popular business venture. The individual or team contracted can either work in close proximity to the business head office (nearshoring) or in a distant location (farshoring). The concept of working remotely is frequently misperceived as an ineffective, however, statistics show that outsourcing (nearshoring in particular) reduces business costs by around 50% when compared to insourcing. Saving costs is only the tip of the iceberg.

This feisty article continues to discuss some of the most used and abused excuses against remote working and fights back with some serious myth-busting moves.

1. Communication Suffers

chaotically wired power pole

Voice conferencing and emailing are common forms of communication in any business environment but are more utilized by remote teams. Emailing is the most time consuming form as toing and froing can become laborious and tedious. Both methods are considered less personal than using applications such as Skype since they do not mimic face-to-face interaction. This is not to say that these forms are mutually exclusive – all forms of communication are important. No matter if a business invests in an in-house or remote team, it is always vital to remember that communication must remain frequent and fluid to ensure that there is a common understanding and a solid rapport built between the business and client.

Solution: Regular and varied communication ensures all parties are involved and kept up-todate.

2. Company Culture Suffers


Although Skype is not any less effective than face-to-face interaction in terms of productivity, it does makes a difference when it come to the company culture. This highlights the importance of offline (face-to-face) communication to light, such as informal work meetings and social events. Actively doing so, whether it be with an in-house or remote team, establishes the foundations of a solid relationship within the business and a greater potential of achieving a great company culture.

Solution: Face-to-face meetings enhance a company’s culture and builds a mutual trust between individuals and teams.

3. Procrastination or Productivity


One of the main misconceptions of remote teams is that they have a low productivity rate because of the absence of an authoritative figure. Having leadership on site to manage the them is the key to success and to keep the team on track. There is also the need for management to implement structure and organisation to reduce misunderstandings and eliminate confusion. This individual also has the responsibility to act as the medium between HQ and the remote team.

Solution: Management on site is the catalyst for the smooth operation of remote teams.

4. Safety Of Sensitive Data

Lock locking a chain

Safety, security and confidentiality are words that frequently crop up when it comes to working remotely. The fear is that sensitive data is left vulnerable if it leaves the building of HQ. Now that technologies are advancing at an unprecedented rate security is much less of an issue. Companies now can supply their remote teams with secure and protected office equipment using software, passwords and The Cloud. HQ and thereby the remote leadership can enforce strict rules and guidelines regarding the actions of their team. For example, prohibiting personal browsing and the transfer of data onto an unofficial device are often standard protective methods. There is little to no difference in the level of security risks between in-house and remote teams with the same security measures in place.

Solution: Rules, regulations, passwords and The Cloud are just a few security measures that can be implemented to protect sensitive data.

5. One Man Band


Interventure is a company that goes one step further than the conventional outsourcing of freelancers. Work is outsourced to whole teams of people who operate in the same location and remain as one unit. This option eliminates the element of loneliness and means a business can benefit from a having a close-knit remote team. Having others to depends on, keeps individuals motivated and maintains a high morale.

Solution: Teamspirit creates a sense of unity which is important to create a motivating working environment.

6. Documentation


Now, with applications such as Google Docs, in-house teams are able to collaborate with remote teams on the very same document at the exact same time. However, there are often issues with improper documentation of projects, documents, folder and files. By establishing a system prior to beginning a project and implementing it both in-house and remotely ensures there is consistency throughout the business. This increases efficiency and leads to a more productive workflow.

Solution: With a systematic and logical filing system, documentation is clear and consistent for all.

7. Reduced Costs


A benefit of outsourcing is a reduction in employment costs. It is important to hire people for their skills and not just because they are locally available – spend money wisely. It is the job of companies such as Interventure to source the most suitably trained professionals, with the specific skill set relevant to the client’s requirements. At Interventure, remote teams are made up of existing professionals in the IT industry, thus eliminating the aspect of training an existing employee which can be expensive and time consuming.

Solution: Hiring well-established and qualified professional saves time and money whilst ensuring clients experience a guaranteed high quality of service.

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